Who is Jesus? 1984
1. Reading
In 1987 I published a book entitled 'Who is Jesus? - exploring the responses of the first Christian communities and the early Church councils (Parish Ministry Publications, Sydney). It is Out of Print.
2. Audio files
A series of lectures offered in Sydney in 1984
You can listen to my reflections on the section that interests you by clicking on one of the following. The process for downloading and saving the file varies from browser to browser (generally right-click for Widows PC and control-click for Mac).
- 1. The historical significance of Jesus.
- 2. Jesus and our search for meaning.
- 3. Being drawn into love. Recognising the divine in our experience.
- 4. Knowing the real Jesus
- 5. New Testament portraits of Jesus
- 6. Historical facts in the Gospels
- 7. Jesus' psyche
- 8. Introduction to early Church teaching on Jesus as a source of our knowledge of him
- 9. Discipline rquired of us if we are to pursue our quest. Be attentive and intelligent
- 10. Be reasonable and responsible
- 11. Be loving (Bernard Lonergan)
- 12. Paul and Jesus' love
- 13. Jesus is compassionate
- 14. Jesus is zealous and forgiving
- 15. Jesus is pure and humble
- 16. Jesus reveals God in his loving
- 17. Jesus' Baptism
- 18. Jesus: God's Beloved Son
- 19. Matthew 1:18-25
- 20. Luke 1:26-38
- 21. We are adopted 'sons'
- 22. God of the Older Testament
- 23. The liberator God of the Exodus
- 24. The Zealots
- 25. The Sadducees
- 26. John the Baptist and Jesus
- 27. Blessed are the poor
- 28. What holds us back?
- 29. Welcoming grace
- 30. Obedient and Believing
- 31. Mission to the poor
- 32. God is just
- 33. Jesus: a just man
- 34. Jesus: a wise teacher
- 35. Jesus: a prophet
- 36. Jesus: a prophet greater than Moses
- 37. The Suffering Servant of Isaiah
- 38. Isaiah 49-50
- 39. Isaiah 52-53
- 40. The Son of Man in Daniel
- 41. Jesus: The Son of Man in the synoptic Gospels
- 42. Jesus: the Son of Man in John
- 43. The Law (Torah) Part 1
- 44. The Law (Torah) Part 2
- 45. How to regard the Torah
- 46. The Torah
- 47. Jesus and the Torah
- 48. Paul and the Torah
- 49. Jesus: Priest, Prophet and King
- 50. Messianism
- 51. Jesus the Christ (Messiah)
- 52. Jesus' view of death
- 53. The evil of the crucifixion
- 54. God's 'plan' and the Cross
- 55. Suffering
- 56. The Last Supper
- 57. The Crucified Christ in John
- 58. The Crucified Christ in the Synoptics
- 59. The Crucified Christ. Summary
- 60. Jesus lives, Introduction
- 61. 1Corinthians 15:3-8
- 62. Experiencing Jesus' Spirit
- 63. Jesus is raised
- 64. The Exalted Christ
- 65. The Lord Part 1
- 66. The Lord Part 2
- 67. Christ: Judge and Son of God
- 68. Christ: High Priest, the Letter to the Hebrews
- 69. Jesus' life as a sacrifice
- 70. The Last Supper
- 71. Personified Wisdom
- 72. Jesus: the Wisdom of God
- 73. Philippians 2:5-11 and Colossians 1:15-20
- 74. Hebrews 1:1-4
- 75. Summary to this point
- 76. Jesus is Lord
- 77. Jesus is God
- 78. Word of God in the Older Testament
- 79. John 1:1-18
- 80. Jesus is God's Word
- 81. The pre-existent Word
- 82. Jesus: our Saviour Part 1
- 83. Jesus: our Saviour Part 2
- 84. Jesus: the Saviour of the World
- 85. Experience of Jesus in the Newer Testament
- 86. Experience of Jesus in the time after the Newer Testament
- 87. Ignatius of Antioch and Aristides
- 88. Justin Martyr
- 89. The Gnostics
- 90. Irenaeus
- 91. Hippolytus and Tertullian
- 92. Clement of Alexandria
- 93. Origen
- 94. Lucian and Arius
- 95. The Council of Nicea
- 96. The Nicene Creed
- 97. Arianism and Athanasius
- 98. The Council of Constantinople
- 99. Theodore of Mopsuestia
- 100. Augustine
- 101. Nestorius
- 102. The Council of Chalcedon
- 103. The Creed of Chalcedon
- 104. Jesus is human
- 105. Jesus is divine
- 106. Jesus' self-understanding
- 107. God, the Trinity
- 108. Conclusion
You can, of course, download this material free of charge from this website.